How much does a Building & Pest Inspection Cost in Sydney?

What is the average cost of a Building & Pest Inspection in Sydney?

The price in 2024 for a Combined Building & Pest Inspection is normally between $400-$500 inc GST for a standard property in Sydney.

Prices for a Thermal Building & Pest Inspection (a standard Combined Building & Pest Inspection including Thermal Camera) start from $449 inc GST, so just add $50 to cost. 

At Sydney Pre-Purchase Property Inspections – our prices start at $399 inc GST for a small property. Large, complex or multiple occupancy dwellings please call for a quote.

Despite our competitive rates, we offer the best building consultants in Sydney. No Jargon, no confusion, no problems. Please visit our pricing page at

The price for home and property inspection in NSW has come down significantly over the last 5-10 years.

Traditionally the cost of a combined inspection and report was around $600. Due to a number of factors such as changing market conditions, and increased competition in the sector, prices have dropped. This might seem like a good thing for the industry, as long as quality or experience is not compromised.

building defect gallery - hidden horrors in houses

The worst building defects are often hidden or concealed away from view.

Over the last 5 years there has been a proliferation of ‘franchise models’ moving into the property inspection sector in Sydney. What’s interesting about these businesses is that they are not based in NSW. Our concern is that the business of building consultancy is not suitable for franchising. It is a very different type of service to mowing lawns. Being a good building consultant is not just about being able to find building defects. A good building inspector is a great communicator that can write complex technical reports and is able to explain issues in simple terms.

Our fees are nothing compared to the savings you can make based on the findings of the report.

Our Building Inspection can include any particular concerns you may have.

Call our team on 0488 900386 or BOOK ONLINE HERE.